Wednesday 22 April 2015

Wednesday Evening Patchwork

We had Wednesday evening patchwork club last week.  The previous month we had a go at a whirly gig block and the challenge was issued to make something with the panel.  This was Kathleens lovely bag:

This is Kathy with her first attempt at machine quilting, I should have got a close up  to show you - she did a great job.

This was Bernadette's tea cosy:

And here is Jean hiding behind her cushion:

And this was Jean's as well - all by hand (please be impressed!):

And this little beauty was by Jac, who has just joined us:

Thursday 16 April 2015

How does your garden grow?

They've been at it again!!  Those lovely ladies upstairs have been busy knitting and crocheting away.  A wonderful garden scene is springing up (get it?  Springing up?? OK, never mind).

Aren't they wonderful?

We have had a number of clubs recently and here are a few photos of peoples projects;
This is the reverse of Alison's quilt:

And this is the front:

This is Julie's creation - this photo does not do it justice at all.  The colour's are beautiful, very calm and muted.  Made with Tilda fabrics.

 Both Saturday groups have been having a go at this as well.  All hand work.

Monday 13 April 2015

Look who was here.....

Stuart Hillard of course. 

Stuart came and gave a brilliant talk on the Wednesday evening, many thanks to all of those who attended. He was entertaining and incredibly funny.  There were lots of little stories and secrets about the Great British Sewing Bee.

The following day he held a workshop upstairs in our Sewing Studio for 15 lucky ladies.  It was a full day but a lot of fun.

This is the bag that was made, and it is huge - no problems getting all your shopping in this baby!

This was Liz's version.

This was Lorinda's.  

At the end of the day Stuart issued a small challenge to them all to make use of some of the pieces that had been cut away.  They were quarter circle segments.  This is what Caroline came up with....

Watch out for more class's with Stuart in the future!

Tuesday 7 April 2015

A few photos from Tamara's workshop on the Prym Love Day:

A good day was had by all I think. Keep a look out for further classes with Tamara in the future.