Monday 16 September 2013

Patchwork and Quilting Club

Patchwork and Quilting Club got off to a flying start this September. Everyone was pleased to get back after the summer break and all seem geared up for work. We started on that dreaded word - Christmas! We made Christmas ornaments, but not until we had some show and tell, along with coffee and cake of course!

These two are Lorinda's. The first one was from a kit, but the second was designed (along with Bee) on a Jelly Roll workshop day before the summer. We have another Pre-Cut Day coming up on the 4th October for anyone who is interested. Just turn up with your Jelly Roll, Charm Pack or Layer Cake and there will be lots of inspiration for you to choose from. If you don't have any pre-cuts then just turn up with your latest project and enjoy a day sewing.

This is Maria's contribution to show and tell, and it is a stunner. Maria produces the most amazing quilts, and who know where she finds the time to do them!
And finally this one was Bee's, designed and made over the summer. So there you have it, what a talented bunch. There are lots of clubs and classes for Patchwork and Quilting - if interested then just call in to see us and we can see where we can start you off.

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