Tuesday 25 March 2014

Alex in Chelmsford

Alex was thrilled with the results of stencil and print in Chelmsford. There were four ladies who had a great day.  This is a small example of what they got up to:

Wednesday 19 March 2014

And a Few More...

And a couple more...

Yes, I know the bottom one is the wrong way round but no matter what I seem to do, it will not turn!  I think I need some lessons on computers.

A huge thank you to everyone who came along to support us either by visiting, or by letting us show your quilts, or by giving up your time to set up/monitor the classroom.  We look forward to the next time.

And It's All Over!

And no sooner had it begun, than it was all over! 

We had a busy three days and had some lovely visitors to the shop - new and old.  Hopefully everyone who managed to come along found something to their liking.  Martha's frames provided a great focal point to the front of the shop and managed to draw people in.  A lot of ladies went home with a big present for their Christmas list this year!  It always amazes me how many of the husbands are interested in it as well;  I watched Martha give a demonstration to two husbands, who then proceeded to drag their wives back into the shop to have a look as well!

We had some lovely items on display in the classroom that our Patchwork classes had made.  They generated quite a bit interest which was great:

(All photos by kind permission of Ken)

Thursday 13 March 2014

And We Are Off

Our Love Quilting Event is off and running.  Here are some of the local ladies and some from the Isle of Wight enjoying some time with Martha.  Why not come and join us?

Friday 7 March 2014

New English Quilt Frame

If you click on the link to the right of this post, you will be taken to the site of Martha Milne, who is the founder and owner of The New English Quilt Frame.

Here is a little bit about the company:

"We’re a small family-run business based in Lincolnshire, keen to make American innovations in machine quilting more readily accessible to the English quilter. We take a folk art approach to quilting. By developing and demonstrating free-motion machine quilting techniques we help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results.
We feature the New English Quilting Frame, Superior Threads and the JUKI sewing machine but we offer practical advice for any machine quilter on any frame with any sewing machine."

Martha's blog has some great ideas on it, but there are also links to their main site where there is a wealth of information available.  We are really looking forward to hosting Martha at our Salisbury branch next week.  She will be with us from Thursday through to Saturday demonstrating the frame and also talking threads.  Why not come along and have a look for yourself?

Christmas came early - or was it late?

 All the staff from the Salisbury branch had their Christmas meal out this week.  Things just got far too hectic before Christmas, so it was decided that we would wait until after Christmas so we could all enjoy it properly.  Unfortunately it was nearly March by the time we got round to it.  We were joined by Ian from Colchester workshop.  We had a lovely evening and the food was great.  Maybe we can be abit more organised this year and get it in before Christmas?  What a good looking bunch we are!

Look at who's been busy...

Look at what the ladies up in Craft have been busy creating:

Izzy and Trina have been busy with their crochet hooks creating a special little corner just for Crocheters (is there such a word?).  Hopefully we have everything you would need - and we haven't got then we will do all we can to get it for you.  Can't ask for much more than that can you?