Wednesday 19 March 2014

And It's All Over!

And no sooner had it begun, than it was all over! 

We had a busy three days and had some lovely visitors to the shop - new and old.  Hopefully everyone who managed to come along found something to their liking.  Martha's frames provided a great focal point to the front of the shop and managed to draw people in.  A lot of ladies went home with a big present for their Christmas list this year!  It always amazes me how many of the husbands are interested in it as well;  I watched Martha give a demonstration to two husbands, who then proceeded to drag their wives back into the shop to have a look as well!

We had some lovely items on display in the classroom that our Patchwork classes had made.  They generated quite a bit interest which was great:

(All photos by kind permission of Ken)

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