Wednesday 30 April 2014

Lone Star Quilt Workshop

Morning All,
Well back to the dreary weather again I'm afraid ..... fog this morning - couldn't even see Stonehenge from the road this morning on my way in, which is very unusual.  Anyway enough of that - we had a Lone Star workshop upstairs in the classroom on Saturday.  I have a number of ladies who have been coming along to classes for a few years now who were looking for a challenge - well, I think I gave them that.  It was a bit of sweatshop up there by the end but they were all up to the challenge.  Our biggest problem was bias edges and they did cause us a few problems along the way despite liberal amounts of spray starch!  But the results - Wow.......




I think that was everyone.  Don't they look amazing?  Sue's is complete because I took that photo a couple of days later.  Everyone managed to get at least four diamonds made on the day, which was brilliant.  Now to find something else for them.......

Friday 25 April 2014

Helga's Jumpers

These wonderful jumpers are the creation of Helga, one of our regular wool customers.  These are both made using Stylecraft 4 ply in a traditional Norwegian style.  I can report that the back is almost as neat as the front!  They are the sort of jumper you just snuggle into with a roaring fire and a good book.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bit of a catch up post this one.  I have got a bit behind with some of the club photos.  This is Kathleens lovely twist and turn cushion that she made with Jennie Rayment. 

This is Kathryn's tumbler quilt.  We were doing table runners but Kathryn decided to make a lap size quilt with hers.

We have been doing some scrap management in our Patchwork Clubs and this is Jenny's.  She made a lovely cushion and used one of her Mother's buttons for the centre. 

The next two are Maureen's.  Maureen is amazing, she seems to sew from morning to night and produces fantastic results.

Well that's all for now folks - more to come.

Suzie Gutteridge - Friday 2nd May Needle/Pin Case

Suzie is back with us on Friday 2nd May:

Why not come along to find out how to design and make your own personalised needle/pin case using a wet felting method.  Class starts at 10am and finishes at midday.  Tools are provided however requirements list is given when booking.  Book your place and receive 10% discount off felting goods in store.
Call 01722 554466 to book your place.

Thursday 17 April 2014

New Fabric Just In.

Sunshine - it is such a wonderful thing!
It just immediately makes you feel better!
This makes me feel better as well:

A full range of Batiks - the colours are amazing!
And also the new range by Bonnie and Camille - April Showers.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Pauline Spence - Wednesday 30th April

Pauline Spence will be joining us in the classroom again this month to create these lovely items:

These items are created with card, cotton, fabric, beads, sequins and some hand stitiching.  The pattern for all three is provided, but on the day only one item will be made.

Wednesday 30th April 10 - 4pm £38.00
Interested?  Just give us a call.