Wednesday 30 April 2014

Lone Star Quilt Workshop

Morning All,
Well back to the dreary weather again I'm afraid ..... fog this morning - couldn't even see Stonehenge from the road this morning on my way in, which is very unusual.  Anyway enough of that - we had a Lone Star workshop upstairs in the classroom on Saturday.  I have a number of ladies who have been coming along to classes for a few years now who were looking for a challenge - well, I think I gave them that.  It was a bit of sweatshop up there by the end but they were all up to the challenge.  Our biggest problem was bias edges and they did cause us a few problems along the way despite liberal amounts of spray starch!  But the results - Wow.......




I think that was everyone.  Don't they look amazing?  Sue's is complete because I took that photo a couple of days later.  Everyone managed to get at least four diamonds made on the day, which was brilliant.  Now to find something else for them.......

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