Tuesday 3 February 2015

Happy 2015!

OK, would someone please like to tell me what happened to the end of 2014?  The year seemed to end with a flurry and look, we are already well into 2015.........February!  

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.  We, as a team, had a busy festive period, so busy that we have only just managed to have our staff Christmas meal this week.  We have started the New Year off with a bang with our sale and we are now starting to settle down with our new run of classes.  The new brochure is finished (at long last!) and has been emailed out - hard copy expected in the shop this week.  We have some great classes and events coming up this year, so if you need a copy let us know.

Clubs have already started and Ann is busy entertaining our dressmakers upstairs as I write.  These photos are from the Wednesday night patchwork group.  This is Jean with her version of last years Block of the Month quilt: 

This is Katherine with hers.  This is Katherine's first quilt as well.  The photo doesn't do it justice and what you can't make out is that there are little camper vans in the centres of the blocks:

This Kathleen's Japanese quilt that she has been working on:

That's Sharon peaking out from behind her quilt - all those Flying Geese!!

And big drum roll...........here is Ruth with her first quilt.  Ruth has worked long and hard on her beautiful quilt and we all gave her a great big cheer when it was finished.

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